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  • Komal Gill

Featuring Poetic Talents of Komal Gill, LU Student

Birdie and Friends

With wanderlust wings, the bird took flight,

Soaring towards an unfamiliar site.

In this strange new land, two friends were found,

A joyous panda, a cat renowned.

The panda’s sweet soul was a sugary treat,

The cat’s fierce grace and love couldn’t be beat.

A bond soon blossomed between the three,

Laughter and tales sprouting joyously.

Soon parting ways on quests unknown,

Their moments together, comforting like home.

For the bird was blessed to have known,

A panda’s delight, a cat’s love full – grown.

No matter how for their journeys would roam,

Their spirits connected, memories of their summer home.

United in friendship, their hearts safely bound,

In each other’s companionship, fortune was found.

(Dedicated to my dear Panda and Cat)

Komal's LU

MBA is a journey, quite literally for me,

From a lush green campus to a new land to see.

A country, state, and city unknown before,

I’ve travelled for to reach this unfamiliar shore.

It can be overwhelming to have ventured this for,

But Prof. Tandon believed in me, called me his “shining star”. 

His faith in my potential, a beacon so bright,

Inspiring me to embrace this exciting plight.

My first lecture here was with Prof. Anokhin,

His knowledge and passion for the subject shone,

Reminding me of my time at UBS,

A place that felt like a second home.

My favorite will always be the classes with Prof. Guerra,

Always taught us to work smart and be wise.

A guide to inspiration, we all adore.

His Knowledge of YG Entertainment was a surprise.

The one who called me a ‘superstar’, Prof. Ken,

Miss Martina, Nicole, Mr. Faisal, Yahya and the ranks.

But to name them all this verse would be too frank,

For this is a poem, not a ballad’s plank.

But I have to mention Dr. Brodsky, always kind 

and kinda scary too,

And Miss Peggy and her smile in the morning when 

She says, “Hello! How are you?’’

My dear Lincoln University, paved paths with friendships,

And memories to cherish.

And as I conclude I Know this joy in my heart,

Will never perish.


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401 15th Street, Oakland, CA, 94612

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