Rules & Regulations
Entrants submitting photographs for the contest must be Lincoln University students.
Entries must be original work by the student taken with their devices and must be on the designated theme.
Each entry should contain the following information: a) Title of photograph; b) Name of photographer (first and last); c) Date and location of photograph; d) A short (1-3 sentences) description of the photograph; e) Entrant’s contact information (telephone number, university email address).
All photographs will be posted within 24 hours for voting on the website.
The winner (student who receives the highest number of votes) will receive $25 Amazon gift card.
The winning photo will be displayed as the banner ad on the Lincoln Chronicle website for one week.
Entries may not contain the following: alcohol, drugs, or any kind of illegal or inappropriate behavior. Entries that contain any inappropriate material will be disqualified.
By signing and submitting the entry form, entrants are agreeing to grant Lincoln Chronicle the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to use, re-use, publish, and re-publish the photographs in Lincoln Chronicle's printed and electronic publications and in conjunction with any copyrighted matter, in any and all media now or hereafter known for illustration, promotion, art, advertising and trade, news, informational and educational purposes and to copyright the same, under its original name or otherwise. The student thereby releases and discharges the University and Lincoln Chronicle from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the photos, including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy.
The contest will end 11:45pm every Tuesday.

Shraddha Nakarami
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Esmirna Dias
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Mehak Khullar
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Milan KC
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